The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management is an open access and peer reviewed journal which publishes original research on the conservation and management of whales, dolphins and porpoises. 

Cetacean Tagging Special Issue


We are seeking papers on the following topics for a new Special Issue on cetacean tagging:

  • Development of cetacean tracking methods and technology;
  • Assessment of the potential effects of telemetry instruments on the behaviour, physiology, health, reproduction and/or survival of cetaceans;
  • New ecological findings from cetacean tracking;
  • Application of telemetry methods to improve cetacean conservation and management

Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2024.

Vol. 25 (2024): JCRM

A peer-reviewed journal publishing original scientific research on the conservation and management of whales, dolphins and porpoises around the world. 

Published: 2024-03-27

Update on the status of gray whales since the 2020 Implementation Review

Jonathan Scordino, John W. Bickham, John R. Brandon, Robert L. Brownell Jr., Alexander Burdin, Thomas Doniol-Valcroze, Tomoharu Eguchi, Geof H. Givens, Aimée R. Lang, Dennis I. Litovka, Gen Nakamura, André E. Punt, Joshua D. Stewart, Jorge Urbán R., Dave W. Weller


Short Communication: Humpback whales demonstrate group protection response to killer whale harassment in Brazil

Israel Maciel, Gabriel Melo-Santos, Guilherme Maricato, Gustavo Vancellote, Maria Alice S. Alves, Mariana M. Vale, Rodrigo Tardin


Anthropogenic and killer whale (Orcinus orca) scarring on Pacific Coast Feeding Group gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) in northwest Washington

Ryan Walsh, Elizabeth Allyn, Amanda Bradford, Stephanie Norman, Raphaela Stimmelmayr, Jonathan Scordino


Habitat use of the East Asian finless porpoise in the northern Aki Nada of the western Seto Inland Sea, Japan

Manuel Eduardo de la Paz, Hajime Sato, Takumi Oyama, Angelo Macario, Sadaharu Iwasaki, Yoichi Sakai


A review of Southern Hemisphere humpback whaling by period and catch location

E. Seyboth, S. Paarman, C. Allison, J.-O Meynecke, J. de Bie, K.P. Findlay


Short Communication: Rare sighting of Gervais’ beaked whales in offshore waters of southeastern Brazil

Mariana Soares Santos, José Luís Pizzorno, Aline Kloh, Bianca Morais, Carlos Eduardo Palmeira Quintana, Rodolfo Luis Maussa


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