The Journal of Cetacean Research and Management is an open access and peer reviewed journal which publishes original research on the conservation and management of whales, dolphins and porpoises. 

Call for papers - whale tagging


We plan to launch a new Special Issue on whale tagging & welcome papers on the following topics: 

  • Development of cetacean tracking methods and technology;
  • Assessment of the potential effects of telemetry instruments on the behaviour, physiology, health, reproduction and/or survival of cetaceans;
  • New ecological findings from cetacean tracking;
  • Application of telemetry methods to improve cetacean conservation and management

Deadline for submissions: 30 September 2024.

Report of the Scientific Committee 2022


The report of the Scientific Committee meeting held virtually from 25 April to 13 May 2022. The report and its annexes are available here.

The meeting followed an extended programme to take advantage of the online format with over 500 scientists participating around the world.

We look forward to resuming in-person Scientific Committee meetings in 2023.

Report of the Scientific Committee 2021


The report of the Scientific Committee meeting held virtually from 27 April to 14 May 2021. The report and its annexes are available here.
Due to COVID-19 the meeting was again held online with a revised format building upon lessons learnt last year. To allow for more in-depth discussions on specific topics a number of pre-meetings and workshops were held immediately prior to the main meeting which was itself extended by a week. Whilst this allowed a larger portion of the agenda to be addressed, a number of technical discussions were postponed.

The meeting and its pre-meetings were attended by a record 550 cetacean scientists breaking last year’s record with around triple the usual attendance for an in-person event

IWC Conservation Committee - Intersessional 2020


This meeting of the Conservation Committee was held virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions and the postponement of the in-person meeting of IWC68 (originally scheduled for September 2020) until Autumn 2021. The remote meeting, drew on experience from the approach taken by the Scientific Committee in May 2020 and addressed the issues that most urgently needed to be progressed or for which decisions were required before the end of 2020, but did not cover all of the Conservation Committee agenda. Read more

The meeting report can be downloaded here

Vol. 25 (2024): JCRM

A peer-reviewed journal publishing original scientific research on the conservation and management of whales, dolphins and porpoises around the world. 

Published: 2024-03-27

Update on the status of gray whales since the 2020 Implementation Review

Jonathan Scordino, John W. Bickham, John R. Brandon, Robert L. Brownell Jr., Alexander Burdin, Thomas Doniol-Valcroze, Tomoharu Eguchi, Geof H. Givens, Aimée R. Lang, Dennis I. Litovka, Gen Nakamura, André E. Punt, Joshua D. Stewart, Jorge Urbán R., Dave W. Weller


Short Communication: Humpback whales demonstrate group protection response to killer whale harassment in Brazil

Israel Maciel, Gabriel Melo-Santos, Guilherme Maricato, Gustavo Vancellote, Maria Alice S. Alves, Mariana M. Vale, Rodrigo Tardin


Anthropogenic and killer whale (Orcinus orca) scarring on Pacific Coast Feeding Group gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) in northwest Washington

Ryan Walsh, Elizabeth Allyn, Amanda Bradford, Stephanie Norman, Raphaela Stimmelmayr, Jonathan Scordino


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