Short Communication: Humpback whales demonstrate group protection response to killer whale harassment in Brazil

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Israel Maciel
Gabriel Melo-Santos
Guilherme Maricato
Gustavo Vancellote
Maria Alice S. Alves
Mariana M. Vale
Rodrigo Tardin


Mixed species groups are usually associated with group protection to avoid predation. Reports of killer whale (Orcinus orca) occurrence and attacks are scarce in Brazilian waters. Here we report the first case of an attack by killer whales on a mixed group of humpbacks (Megaptera novaeangliae) and a southern right whale (Eubalaena australis). This is also the first report of humpback whales possibly interfering with killer whales harassing right whales. The recent increase in humpback and southern right whale populations in Brazil may be influencing the presence of killer whales, which are known to attack humpback whales.

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